However, the visibility of the turret is blocked by the rain.

Not far away, more than a dozen forage piles are piled up high. Not far away, rows of simple buildings are obviously covered with forage just after they have been built.
Even if it rains here in Li Yuanqing, you can still clearly hear that there are war horses that occasionally start their noses.
Zhang Pan is excited and his eyes are shining. "How can we get there when Yuan Qing is so far away?"
Li Yuanqing smiled. "Brother Xu is an expert. Let’s listen to him."
Xu Hei said in a low voice, "It’s summer now, two generals, and it will be dawn soon. Now the horse will arrive in Yinshan in more than an hour, and we must speed up."
Zhang Pan nodded quickly. "Brother Xu, what should we do?"
Xu Hei smiled, "General Zhang just follows me."
As he spoke, he shouted to the surrounding area: "Brothers, don’t look at my gestures when it’s time to see the real chapter."
Everyone nodded in succession.
"Go" Xu Hei took the lead in climbing towards Houjin military camp with a wave of his hand.
They quickly followed.
In this weather, everyone’s skirts have been soaked by rain and rolled in the mud. They are already covered in mud. It’s not like human beings and the weather helps. It’s hard to find anomalies here if the guards in the turret don’t bring high-powered binoculars.
Soon they arrived at the periphery of Houjin camp.
Xu Hei waved to the crowd and motioned them not to move and wait in the mud.
Chapter 193 Chrysanthemum …
The old slave started from burning, killing and looting, and has rich experience in foreign hegemony wars from a small state-building department to now.
The late Jin men have to go through all kinds of military training and grow up by war since they were one year old.
Therefore, in the post-Jin army, the war literacy of both senior generals and grass-roots soldiers far exceeds that of the army several times.
At present, in the periphery of Houjin camp, there is a layer of dense wooden fence, which is long and short, mostly pine and cypress, which are strong and durable hardwoods.
There are about a dozen meters of buffer in it, and there are many dilapidated tents in twos and threes. This should be the residence of the groom and the handyman. More than a dozen steps further, this is the stable and forage pile.
There are many horses and livestock in the late Jin Dynasty. When marching and fighting, the transportation capacity is several times higher than that of the army. There are also many slaves of all ethnic groups with the same camp size. It takes 100,000 troops to build the late Jin Army, and it may take 20,000 people.
It is almost impossible to get close to this defense camp without the help of heavy rain in ordinary times.
At this time, Li Yuanqing’s position is just in the two turrets, which leads to a distance of about a hundred paces on both sides.
Xu Hei climbed to the front of the fence and carefully explored it. He soon came back and whispered, "General, we don’t have many fences when it rains heavily today. It’s not difficult for us to get in directly."
Li Yuanqing narrowed his eyes and glanced around.
Raindrops’ scratching’ hit the ground and made a loud noise. After that, 8 Jin Jun was all tents. Raindrops hit tents and the noise was even louder. If it weren’t for the big noise, people inside would hardly notice the strangeness outside. The only thing to be careful about is these two watchtowers nearby.
Wealth is in danger.
At this time, this state can’t come. Li Yuanqing thought carefully. He shook Xu Hei’s big hand and smiled: "Brother Xu, I believe you. How can we do it if you are sure?"
Xu black one leng busy heavy nodded "general before let’s move"
Li Yuanqing nodded and waved his hand and whispered, "Stay close and don’t move."
Soon Xu Hei took the lead in climbing to the bottom of the fence and took out a small shovel to dig up quickly.
These fences are very close from a distance, but when you get near, you can see clearly that there are many irregularities because of the different terrain.
Xu Hei dug a few times and found the root. He carefully put a fence next to it and erected it. He waved his hand behind him and took the lead in drilling through the gap.
In this state, everything is scattered in every soldier’s body, and it is impossible for a few people to transport it to Li Yuanqing. Without a moment’s hesitation, he quickly climbed to the Houjin military camp after Xu Hei.


Li Yuanqing eyebrows a wrinkly.
Huang taiji this fellow is not quite car-scrapping. Why at this time … But for a moment Li Yuanqing also reacted. Huang taiji must have been a little panicked and wanted to throw him smoke ~ fog ~ bomb.
"The messenger is a person?"
Li Yuanqing low QinBing way
QinBing busy respectfully said, "The guard has been to Fan Wencheng this time."
Li Yuanqing smiled, "Go and meet him."
"Student Fan … slave slave Fan Wencheng met Li Shuai"
Just like filth, I saw the sun. Fan Wencheng had prepared a long-awaited kind word. At this time, I saw Li Yuanqing tall and mighty, like a god, but suddenly I felt ashamed and weak.
Li Yuanqing, of course, saw Fan Wencheng’s cautious and humble smile. "Fan Xiong doesn’t have to pay more attention to you. I’m an old friend. Relax. By the way, what good news did Fan Xiong Huang Taiji bring me for letting you come this time?"
Fan Wencheng shan shan smiled and said respectfully, "Li Shuai’s slave is from Haizhou tonight. Great Khan has decided to withdraw from Haizhou and let Li Shuai and Da."
Li Yuanqing eyebrows slightly wrinkled commanding look at Fan Wencheng eyes.
How dare Fan Wencheng face the power of Li Yuanqing? Some consciousness to swallow a mouthful of saliva busy with a way "Li Shuai sweat is decided to withdraw from haizhou, but there are several conditions".
Li Yuanqing laughed. "Brother Fan, aren’t you coming here today to tell jokes to Yuan Qing?"
Fan Wencheng busy way "Li Shuai this this …"
At this time, Li Yuanqing also learned a lot about Fan Wencheng.
To put it bluntly, this fellow is depressed, frustrated and forced to sell himself as a slave, but to put it bluntly, this fellow is a dressed bird ~ beast
However, birds and beasts are not necessarily absent.
Seeing that Fan Wencheng was almost deformed, Li Yuanqing softened his attitude and laughed. "Brother Fan, tell me what conditions Huang Taiji wants me to talk about at this time?"
Fan Wencheng forced himself to stabilize his mind and looked at Li Yuanqing carefully. "Li Shuai is sweating, which means that I hope you can return the warriors of the flags enslaved by you to Daikin before Bei Sahalian Mongolian company commanders Wu Nage. Li Shuai Khan is also willing to return the bones left by the soldiers in Daikin over the years …"
Chapter 1353 Autumn soldier on the battlefield!
Li Yuanqing didn’t expect Huang Taiji to give him this condition at this time. The vertex is 23s. The update is the fastest.
Sahalian and Vunag, including the former true slaves captured by Li Yuanqing, exchanged for the bones left by the soldiers in the later Jin Dynasty …
Speaking of the problem of the bones of military officers and men in the war against the late Jin Dynasty, what Li Yuanqing remembers most is the evaluation of the battle of Shishaling,’ Phosphorescence will never be decided in a hundred years!’
How tragic was the Shaling War in those days?
After a hundred years, ordinary people don’t need to play lanterns when they walk at night in Shaling.
Not to mention the former Fushun, the former Salhu, Shenyang and Liaoyang …
At this time, even if he Li Yuanqing has forgotten these tragic soldiers, not to mention others.
You know, Liao’s wounds have almost been uprooted by Jin Jun. Even at this time, Li Yuanqing’s roots were in Zhenjiang, Sanchahe and Guangludao, and his relatives of veterans have been few. Let’s talk about those tragic soldiers who died in chaos
Who will remember them?
Who will remember them?
Who remember that they once defended that land where their ancestor shed blood, sweat and thrived with their humble and warm blood?
See Li Yuanqing fell into a deep silence, and Fan Wencheng dared not take another breath.
But I can’t help but admire Huang Taiji in my heart.
These two lords may really be destined rivals.
Knowing Li Yuanqing best turned out to be sweating …
It is also strange that when he left, Khan was full of confidence in his Fan Wencheng …
For a long time, Li Yuanqing spit out a mouthful of polluted air, lit a cigar slowly, but his eyes looked bitterly at Fan Wencheng. "What else do you have to say about me?"
"eh? Yes "

Mu Wan Shang can now calmly face the ginger soup handed over by him. This is not the time when she was drunk. Li Ge cooked sorghum soup. This should be Xinluote’s hangover soup!

Drinking ginger soup into the belly and stomach warms up and makes me feel better. I simply ate something.
Clothes or yesterday that Hong skirt "you go out! I’d better change back to men’s wear! "
"This suit is quite good, just wear this suit!"
Yu Zongyuan retired. He has just been to the gate. Li Ge has taken people to the ancestral tomb to worship ancestors. I heard that the emperor and queen will have fun at the gate for a while, but I don’t know that Li Ge has married the queen.
After a while, I bathed my face and washed it simply. I applied a thin layer of powder to cover my face, which was gaunt due to hangover.
Pull the door slowly and try to suppress the anxiety. The first thing to do when you see Li Ge is to inform him to be careful of ambush.
See Yu Zongyuan also changed Silla men’s holiday costume, dressed in a blue brocade robe with a protective forehead.
No wonder he made himself wear a Silla skirt. "Can we go?"
In order to prevent her from reporting that Mu Wan Shang was blocked by someone, two hands were still tied together, and Mu Wan Shang would let himself go.
Yu Zongyuan picked up Mu Wan’s carriage, and there is still some distance from the gate here.
Zuling is in Jinjing suburb. It won’t be long before you get to the gate and see Li Ge at the gate.
Yu Zongyuan at the gate of the city held a horse-drawn carriage in his arms. Many people have gathered here, singing and dancing in festive costumes.
Two people came to the crowd, facing the gate, and Yu Zongyuan pulled her to pretend that the people were singing and dancing in the crowd without being suspected.
Mu Wan Shang’s eyes and eyes have been staring at the wall. If you find Li Ge’s trace, immediately warn him.
Li Ge returned from Zuling, and waited for Mu Elegy to meet at another tower at the gate. Li Ge helped Mu Elegy to climb the tower and watched the people sing and dance, which was a joy for the people.
Mu Wan Shang finally saw Li Ge wearing a red brocade robe and a tall gauze hat in the crowd, and there was a flash of joy in her eyes.
Seeing Li Ge holding a red Chinese girl is his sister Mu Elegy. Two people look very loving.
My sister’s swollen belly should be like a fleeting glimpse of her heart after she left, and a feeling of betrayal filled her heart.
At the beginning, in order to save Li Ge and let him return to Silla safely, she gave the token to her sister. She kept them and promised to escape to the death. Li Ge almost died, but she betrayed her original oath and that person was her own sister.
Sorrow and indignation looked at the wall, and tears slipped from the cilia and feathers along the corner of my eyes.
Yu Zongyuan wanted to take her away when he saw Mu Wan’s painful expression.
The man hiding in the dark is about to show his hands in his clothes, and the scene of freedom will still be played.
Pulling out a sharp knife from the waist and touching the neck of Mu Wan’s dress, Li Ge shouted at the wall, "Li Ge, look who she is?"
There was a panic in the crowd. Li Ge heard the sound and looked at the crowd. She looked at him with tears on her face and a face of grief.
Li Ge was pleasantly surprised to see Mu Wan Shang. It was Ah Shang who didn’t die! She’s not dead.
Mu elegy smell also looked towards the tower, and his mind suddenly took a step back. "It’s my sister. How can she be alive?"
There is a fear in my heart that happiness is about to die.
Li Ge saw Yu Zongyuan’s white blade against Mu Wan’s neck. "You are quick to let her go and I promise not to kill you."
Zhongyuan challenged, "Don’t you have the courage to build a building?"
Li Ge can’t manage many things. He is going to save Mu Wan, and Mu elegy shouted, "It’s dangerous for the emperor not to go."
"He is your sister, too."
Li Ge flew directly from the tower and looked at Yu Zongyuan’s long knife in the distance. "O Shang, don’t be afraid that I will save you. I’ll explain it to you later."
The tower mourns and cries, "Go and save the emperor!" Guards have followed the tower.
At this time, there was an explosion in the crowd, and smoke was everywhere. Li Ge escaped from the flying firearms, and the men in black rushed around. At that time, the city gate became a battlefield, and there were guns and smoke everywhere, and the people fled everywhere.
A group of guards will protect Li Ge behind him, and the people who are wearing clothes do not want Li Ge’s life. Li Ge is not a killer.
It was the noise that made Li Ge mistake Li Gang’s remnants for catching Mu Wan’s petticoat and trying to get revenge on him.
Li Ge was wounded, and his robe had been blown out. There was blood on his lip corner, but it was gone.
"The emperor go! Go back to the gate. "
"O petticoats where are you! Don’t hold me, Shang! Ashang! "
Li Ge was directly stunned and dragged back to the city wall to mourn. He was so surprised that he didn’t see the emperor being carried back.
"Get up and drive back to the palace."
On the other side, Yu Zongyuan took Mu Wanshang in a carriage and hurried out of the city.
When I came to a residential area, the people who were wearing clothes had already retreated here. The purpose was to make Mu Wanshang misunderstand Li Ge and let Mu Wanshang give up.
Li Ge will not give up, and will send someone to find Mu Wan Shang, and then they will deliberately leave Mu Wan Shang to Li Ge.
Mu Wanshang hates Li Ge’s betrayal, and she has always been upset about * * and her sister who is about to give birth will not stay with Li Ge.
Li Ge’s recovery will never be released, and it is bound to imprison her, so Xuanyuan Wangji has reason to send troops to recapture his woman.
Yu Zongyuan held Mu Wanshang in a carriage, carried her into a residential building and put her beside the dwarf.
The room is a little low, but it is clean and hidden.
Yu Zongyuan knew Fei Yi couldn’t show up, so she must know her.
I wonder what happened. She cried so sadly.
Reach out and solve her acupuncture points. "Can you tell me what happened?"
Mu Wan Shang climbed up from the ground and knelt in front of Yu Zongyuan with tearful eyes and begged, "Brother Yu, I beg you to let me go! I don’t want to stay here. I want to leave Silla. "
I can’t bear to see her crying. "You always have to tell me what happened?"
Mu wan Shang hates biting his lip. It’s a long story.
"At the beginning, I made a deal with Xuanyuan Wangji, and he helped me to take revenge. I pretended to be his princess, and Li Ge gradually fell in love. Li Ge promised to let me go back to Silla for life, and Li Ge was forced to leave him when you assassinated Ge."
"I, I can escape the clutches of Xuanyuan Wangji, but I was caught back by him. He * * killed me several times, and I was rescued. Later, I had a child. The child was framed and had a slippery tire in five months. I secretly took a courtier carriage to escape from the palace on Xuanyuan Wangji’s birthday. I didn’t expect to meet you. I didn’t want to come to Silla. You tied me here."
"Brother Yu, if you have avenged yourself, let me go!"
"You mean that you were forced to leave Li Ge, betrayed your oath and married another woman. Look at that woman’s belly, she should have hooked up long ago."
It’s even sadder to cry in a petticoat. "That’s my own sister. I don’t want to pursue anything. Let me go!"
Yu Zongyuan looked at Mu Wan’s delicate and touching appearance and was betrayed by his closest relatives and loved ones at the same time. "When I finish one thing, Brother Yu will take you away from Silla."
Can Mu Wanshang really trust Yu Zongyuan when he hears his promise?
She can’t escape. They have already alarmed Li Ge. "Brother Yu shouldn’t stay here long. Li Ge will send someone to catch you."
"I know you’re in your room now and my brothers are discussing a countermeasure."
Fei Yi has been listening to the conversation outside the door. Fei Yi called him to a secluded place.
"You want to take her away. You don’t want the antidote."
"It’s just a good idea. If you don’t say that, she will cry and make trouble."

Shen Xintang was surprised that his feet took root and stood on the spot and refused to move.

"You … you … you …" Shen Xintang repeatedly wrote the word "you" and didn’t know how to express her thoughts and feelings at this time. She scratched her hair distractedly and thought hard about the wording "Director Lu, are you mistaken? Are you sure you know what you are doing?"
"Ask you to date me!" He smiled at her and enjoyed her help. "Let’s go and eat first!"
Words fell on his hand, and his power was uncertain in her camp, so he dragged her away.
"Oh, I will go if you let me go!" She slipped out of his palm like a loach, and then kept a proper distance from him and stared at him warily
There is a cross-strait coffee shop in the food street. Two people walked into the shop in tandem.
Liu Bai chose a window seat and Shen Xintang sat in the wrong position opposite his desk.
The waiter sent Liu Bai a menu and ordered a set meal at will. Shen Xintang deliberately looked in all directions and tried not to meet his eyes.
"There will be a group meeting this afternoon. What are your plans?" Liu Bai crossed his legs and chose a comfortable posture and leaned back gently. "Will you choose to follow me? Follow me and I will take good care of you. "
He’s a double-talker!
Naked induction!
"To be honest, I’m actually a little white." Shen Xintang took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. "Are you trying to punish me for causing you to lose money? Is it one of your tricks that Zhou Zhang asked me to apply for a job in your company this time? What’s your purpose? "
Liu Bai bursts into a light smile.
"I know you women will have such a common problem." He sat up straight and leaned slightly towards her with a mocking meaning. "Knowing that the man likes her, she pretends not to know that she still enjoys it, so she neither refuses nor accepts it, right?"
Shen Xintang opened his eyes wide and wanted to refute with consternation, but he started talking about it.
"Strange. You’re not talking about me, are you?" She felt wronged and funny. "You said the man who likes me. Are you sure you are talking about you? Have you ever told me that you like me? "
"Ah, so you mind this!" Liu Bai had an epiphany expression. "Do you have to say such a thing? Come on, are you still an ignorant girl? I am really full before I spare no effort to pay attention to everything you are anxious about. No one around you can’t see you, but you pretend to be a koo here! Don’t you think you are very melodramatic? "
Shen Xintang’s chest fluctuated violently, and his heart really couldn’t say how depressed and embarrassed he was. It was really her pleasure to be liked by him, so she didn’t know it was hypocritical and hypocritical to pretend to be koo.
That’s ridiculous!
"Mr. Lu, first of all, I’m really sorry that I feel so slow that I didn’t come for nothing. For someone, his height is not enough and his figure is poor. It’s not like a woman with a beautiful face will still be liked by someone. "She stood up angrily and said without excitement." Secondly, I’m sorry to make this person feel happy. Thanks to him, I was repeatedly threatened and entered the police station with honor. This is really a special experience. I swear to God, I have been trying to escape from this person, just to avoid being accused by someone of pretending to be hypocritical one day. In summary, Mr. Lu, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule and taking pains to arrange such a high-paying job for me. Maybe you think my self-esteem is worthless, even if I have no self-
Her face flushed with excitement when she finished her speech, and her nose was sour and red because she was wronged by her popularity, and her eyes followed suit.
Then she picked up her bag and lifted her feet to leave.
A strong force suddenly came at her, and she was carried by it involuntarily. Before she could react for a second, she felt heavy breathing coming at her, and then her lips were tightly stuck by a soft, hot lip.
Turning around, biting and ravaging, with a taste of punishment and venting.
Shen Xintang’s tears dripped, and his lips and nose twitched unconsciously as if his heart was suffering from extreme pain and injustice.
At the moment he was a little sorry.
What he said just now seems to have gone too far.
Shen Xintang has never been a schemer. Besides, there are flowers in her heart. Other men, especially bad men like him, she must be unavoidable, right?
"Fox …" He let her go and sighed. He held her face in his hands and put out his finger to gently wipe away her tears like a baby. "No, you’re not a fox. You’re a fox. Forgive me for talking just now! I am so wronged that you always ignore my heart … "
"Bah!" Shen Xintang spat on his face and showed an expression of deep hatred. "Mr. Lu, please respect yourself!"
Liu Bai stared at her in astonishment, resentment and chafing.
This is even more humiliating than slapping him in the face!
"I’m not a fox, and I won’t confuse you. I’m an old, short, ugly and melodramatic woman, and I can’t afford you to invite Mr. Lu. Don’t be so popular with me!"
She stared at him with her eyes wide open, and then turned around and passed by with a tray to deliver the set meal.
With a gloomy face, Liu Bai stared at her leaving and her back was so angry that she was about to suppress her injury.
Shen Xintang also spirit not dozen 1 come.
She really feels so bad. She just wants to add to her guilt!
That guy actually said that he liked her and she pretended not to know that she was enjoying it. Fuck her!
I can’t stand it anymore. She really wants to smash things.
How can you mistreat her, bully her and put her in the police station again and again? Now it’s not enough to insult her with words!
Is she that easy to bully?
Don’t say that she doesn’t know what he really thinks. Even if she does, she won’t think it’s a blessing. She’ll think it’s a disaster and stay as far away as possible!
Narcissist, it’s not like she hasn’t seen Hua Wenxuan. It’s also a narcissist. It doesn’t necessarily mean narcissism is like him!
I’m really mad! I’m mad!
Shen Xintang ran home directly and trained at noon. She didn’t plan to attend any more.
Although the job is tempting, she has decided to give it up.
Anyway, she hasn’t answered yet, and she doesn’t pay any liquidated damages, does she?
At the thought of Liu Bai’s chauvinistic pig face, she wished that she could cut 17 knives in his face to solve her hatred!
When I got home, I unplugged my mobile phone, threw myself into the bed, covered myself up, and slept soundly.
But how can I sleep with such a big grievance?
☆ Chapter 13 Sad People to Sad People ☆
For half a day to turn over and turn off the phone again.
I called Ye Qinghuan to say that I have plans to visit her today.
The other end of the words, Qing Ye Huan picked it up and hurriedly said, "Xin Tang, I have something inconvenient to talk to you now. I’ll call you later."
Then quickly hung up.
Your sister, why can’t she find someone to talk to when she needs it?
She felt a little hungry because she didn’t eat at noon, so she just got up again to cook something to eat.
After dinner, my mood calmed down a little.
Then I cleaned up, sweated out and took a shower before I fell asleep.
In the middle of a sweet dream, the phone rang.

Qiao Cen felt that Huo Yanming was very overbearing today, and he bit her lip with a heavy breath, and his waist hand was unconsciously clenched. Qiao Cen was a little breathless.

Joe cen vaguely’ well’ a slender brow slightly wrinkled but didn’t push her.
Huo Yanming will sit on his body, Qiao Cen will adjust a posture, let her ride on her body, get up and drag her legs with her hands, and then go to the lounge sofa in the room.
Joe Cen’s eyes are gradually blurred, but he can’t consider other things, such as humming clever words, lying on his body, and he will slowly put himself on the sofa.
Huo Yanming tied Joe Cen and dragged her head, leaning over and sucking the fragrance.
There seems to be a bit more ambiguity in his anger. Huo Yanming feels that the little woman left in front of him is getting stronger and stronger. He pulls out his hand and wants to remove her coat.
Qiao Cen gasped that there was a masculine smell coming to his face for a second before he realized that Huo Yanming’s big palm was slowly shifting.
She was very nervous, but she was still nervous when they shared a bed for half a year.
His forehead beaded with sweat, and his brain didn’t react just now. His active face was reddish and a little shy.
Huo Yanming obviously felt the warm breath of his head coming from his ears, and he said softly, "Don’t be afraid" with a low and sweet voice.
She looked at him with her mouth slightly open, as if thinking about what he just said,’ Don’t be afraid’.
Qiao Cen’s coat was so loose that it fell off. Qiao Cen turned to look, only to see Huo Yanming straighten her head.
Joe Cen could feel that his palm seemed to be sweating and wet.
Is he nervous, too
For the convenience of undressing, Qiao Cen wears a dress with a zipper at the back.
Huo Yanming’s hand brushed Qiao Cen’s back and moved left and right, as if to determine the zipper position. He rubbed Qiao Cen and felt a little itchy.
She was zheng elbow against the sofa palm with his body seems to be some resistance.
Huo Yanming, who still cares about what tenderness will gently hold up Joe Cen and pull a zipper.
He looked at the little woman’s reddish face and couldn’t help but want to peck, thinking that he would touch Qiao Cen’s lips when he leaned back and saw the cool lip …
Accompanied by "pa", Huo Mengshu panicked and surprised, and the sound sounded "Ah, how did I sleepwalk?"
Joe CenWenWen back a stiff froze.
Huo Yanming was obviously disturbed by this, but there was no way.
HuoMengShu hurriedly put people in a room is still quiet.
Huo Yanming wanted to continue, but Qiao Cen patted him on the shoulder. She was embarrassed and pushed him. "Sister Meng Shu saw it!" With some lightly chastising tone.
"What are you afraid of?" He replied lightly, but he didn’t force her to zip up her back and put on her coat.
Qiao Cen pouted his feelings. Huo Mengshu laughed at you!
When they came out of the room, it was tandem. Qiao Cen was embarrassed and deliberately asked Huo Yanming to go out first. She stayed in the room for five minutes before going out.
Before the dinner table, Xiaomu was drinking lotus leaf porridge cooked by Feng Sao, and the thick porridge was cooked around his mouth to form a white film.
Seeing Qiao Cen coming over, Xiaomu’ giggled’ and pointed a few short fingers at Huo Mengshu. "Little uncle and aunt kissed mommy for a long needle eye!"
Qiao Cen "…" She glared at Huo Yanming and blamed him!
You’re not serious in broad daylight!
Huo Mengshu raised his eyebrows and tried to laugh but didn’t dare. His lips were bent and he smiled lightly. "I didn’t see anything. You know I was sleepwalking."
That explains.
The more Qiao Zennai explained, the more indefensible he became.
She resigned herself to a meal, but her face turned slightly red.
HuoYanMing but smile not language is to lift eyes looked at HuoMengShu HuoMengShu pie mouth also no longer speak.
The dining table is very quiet. The Huo family is still very particular about etiquette and convenience. The dining table has always been very quiet
Qiao Cen was holding a piece of meat, but suddenly she felt something rubbing her ankle at her feet. She looked down and saw that I didn’t know when Dad ran to her leg.
Dad was a little chubby when he started to walk, and his belly fat was shaking and shaking, and his gentle little appearance was very impressive.
Qiao Cen saw that it was a little happy and conveniently sent her meat to Daddy’s mouth.
Daddy bit his tail and gave a cheerful call to Huo Mengshu, but he was a little nervous and waved at Daddy. "Go out and play, and I’ll make you delicious later."
Qiao Cen looked at some puzzled.
I watched them play well in the afternoon, and I didn’t see anyone afraid of dogs. Maybe the Huo family can’t eat and dogs can’t get close to the rules?
Qiao Cen is a little naive. Fortunately, Huo Yanming doesn’t live at home, otherwise she thinks she will be crazy.
She rubbed her daddy’s head and looked up, only to see that HuoMengShu kept winking at her and seemed to be saying HuoYanming next to her.
Qiao Cen suddenly turned his head and saw that Huo Yanming had put chopsticks on the back of the chair and frowned slightly, but said nothing.
She reacted with a straight smile and pointed at Huo Yanming. "Mr. Huo, you’re not afraid of dogs, are you?" She almost wanted to laugh at him-such an adult is still afraid of dogs.
Huo Yanming pursed her lips. "No," he glanced at Daddy again. Daddy was wagging his tail towards Joe Cen, which meant he still wanted to eat meat.
Qiao Cen deliberately waved daddy to the other side, and some of Huo Yanming laughed. "What are you afraid of? You see daddy is so good." Then she rubbed his head again.
HuoYanMing nai when the face also what to say.
He is not afraid that dogs are slightly neat, and he still doesn’t like animals like cats and dogs, so the Huo family doesn’t have pets either.
Huo Mengshu didn’t speak again. He simply put chopsticks to hold the little shepherd to his leg and looked at the young couple.
Looking at Qiao Cen and Huo Yanming Huo Mengshu, she laughed unconsciously. She knew that Huo Yanming’s marriage had always been the object of Huo’s family’s heart.
Huo Yanming is twenty-seven years old this year. Before the Huasheng Group, Master Huo supported his father alone. He was careless and didn’t like being tied down. He always loved that kind of freedom day.
Mother Jiang Ke is also a woman who doesn’t pay attention to fame and wealth, so the couple always like to go out for sightseeing.
As Huo Yanming entered Huasheng Tuanhuo Master, he was relieved that his marriage was naturally a major event for the whole family.
In fact, the former Huo Mengshu sympathized with this younger brother, who was bound to marry Ding Yutong or others for family reasons, but felt that he might never open his heart to others.
Now looking at the two people in front of her, she suddenly feels that she thinks too much before.
Joe Cen is getting stronger and stronger, putting a piece of meat in it to lure Dad to Huoyanming’s side.
Although Huo Yanming didn’t dodge his brow, it was getting deeper and deeper. Finally, Huo Mengshu couldn’t look at it. He held a small animal husbandry hand and shouted, "Stop it! You can’t eat at the table with dog hair!"
Joe CenWenWen think about it is this just stop.
Feng Sister-in-law looked at a table and laughed. Dad’s food was specially prepared by Feng Sister-in-law to bring it to him, but she didn’t just hold her horses.

Pull out a two-inch square small mouth and look at the blue dry stone skin. The craftsman shook his head at the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper gritted his teeth and was about to speak. Ning Yun grabbed in front of him and said, "What can you see if you hit a small piece?"

Noble people have said that craftsmen and shopkeepers can’t continue to go to about half. Zhou Yuhua’s face is already impatient, but he is afraid that Ningyun won’t sell her anything after he gets angry. This is just fighting back without saying anything and constantly rolling his eyes at Zhou Chong.
As the stone cut more and more, it was waste, and Zhou Chong’s eyes flashed a little imperceptible anxiety.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 23 Gambling 2
It’s not necessary for him to get this hairpin, but it’s just a chance. But since Zhou Yuhua and Zhou Yi are involved, he must get it, and he must not ask other emperors to get it.
Just as Zhou Yuhua was preparing to stop the craftsman, he suddenly heard the craftsman and the shopkeeper shouting together, "See the color."
The shopkeeper was so excited that he shouted at Zhou Chong without considering his identity, "Seeing the color is emerald and the water head is very good."
Zhou Chong looked surprised. I didn’t expect this kind of stone to produce emerald with good emerald color and head.
The craftsman was also very excited when he produced the good material, and he carefully and patiently peeled off the whole material, the size of watermelon, and the innermost two fist-sized emerald.
Jade with full head and very transparent is carefully held in the hands of craftsmen, and it is a rare piece of thick green jade in any case when it folds and shines in the sun.
The situation has changed dramatically. Zhou Chong can’t hide his joy in his heart. His face lit up and he took a look at the jade. Zhou Yuhua smiled and stretched out his hand to make an invitation. "Please, miss."
With this jade, he is full of confidence. Even if Zhou Yuhua produces the same jade, he will win by size.
How can Zhou Yuhua taste such a situation?
Teeth handed his stone unblinkingly looking at craftsmen and shopkeeper stone.
Since the people who are responsible for buying and piling stones at the door of the workshop have already selected them in advance.
The last stone came out with jade, but it was green grape-colored jade, and the water head was not very good. Even if you don’t know much about jade, you can see that it is definitely not a good jade.
All three stones are gone!
The scene was very quiet at the moment. I heard that Zhou Yuhua broke her little finger and the white jade armor fell into tiny pieces with the exquisite armor of the sculptor.
Zhou Chong turned to Ningyun without looking at Zhou Yuhua.
Smiling, I handed the sweat jewelry box in my hand. Ningyun said to Zhou Chong, "Congratulations, I will transfer this baby to you."
Zhou Yuhua hates biting his teeth. What can he do in broad daylight can wait until he returns to the palace for planning.
Stay here for a long time is just bring disgrace to oneself!
Looking down at the broken white jade armor, I fell to the ground and said nothing. I looked at Zhou Chong’s eyes with anger and implied murderous look and turned to leave.
As aggressive as when she came, she heard her body ringing from near to far.
If you don’t Bai Ningyun mean to help yourself at this time, Zhou Chong is a pure fool.
Zhou Chong took the jewelry box and thanked her again and again. She looked at Ning Yue with a smile and said, "Thank you, Miss, for giving up what you said before, five times the price. Besides, Miss looked at the jewelry before and bought compensation at the Ministry."
Without the person in the way, Ning Yun squinted and smiled. "I gave it to you when my sister said I would give it to you. Isn’t it possible that our Ningfu is still short of money?"
Zhou Chong gave the jewelry box to the attendants behind him with a smile and said, "I’m sorry to take the liberty of saying that the two are miss Ning, the general of the town state? Sure enough, there is a big wind! "
Ningyue once again frowned at her sister, who used to be very cautious. Why did she tell her story so easily this time?
I didn’t see my elder sister’s eyes. Ningyun looked at Zhou Chong with a smile. Zhou Chong hurriedly introduced himself. It’s not good for him to show his identity directly when he’s away from home, but he’s afraid that it’s deceptive to say it. His mother’s name is Qiao Chong.
I transferred my favorite hair pin and was troubled by Zhou Yuhua. So when I went shopping in Ningyue, my interest was greatly reduced. I continued to say two sentences and left. When I saw that my sister was depressed, Ningyun said a few words of farewell.
Declined Zhou Chong’s request to send them back to the office. Zhou Chong was not angry and sent them outside the store with a pleasant face.
Go to the first floor, and a coachman will be waiting at the door with his horses and chariots.
When the sisters and Zhou Chong walked to the door together, they found that the situation outside the door became very tense.
I don’t know if Ning’s sisters, chariots and horses, were surrounded by several security guards. The driver stammered something to the security guards with a cold sweat on his face.
Take the lead in the Royal Guards, wearing Kirin and swinging embroidered spring knives, and their eyes are blooming in the sunshine.
As soon as the coachman saw his young lady coming, he suddenly had the backbone to roll and climb to the foot of Ningyue, and he couldn’t help kowtowing and confessing. "The big young lady and the second young lady, the security officer, insisted that there were fugitives in the car who wanted to check our car!"
Ning’s sisters looked at each other in a surprised heart and their eyes were full of surprise.
Is it easy to mess with the fierce name Royal Guards?
Usually, we have to turn up three feet of waves for them. Now we have found our own chariots and horses. If we don’t check them, we will even cause chaos in our family.
But if it is so easy for the Royal Guards to raid the ladies of the General’s Mansion and drive Ningfu’s face, it will be lost. In the future, it will be difficult for Ningjia men to look up in front of their military attache colleagues.
Not long ago, Jia dealt with the Royal Guards, and Ning Yun played drums in his heart, which was unprecedented in previous lives.
She felt very much that Wei Yi might have found something wrong with her and sent someone to take her to the imperial palace first and then force out the evidence.
A cold sweat soaked my back in an instant!

Thinking that Chen Xiaotian got up, stretched out his hand and touched his hip, the guy said in a low voice, "Don’t be angry, then I will catch her and avenge you."

When I got home, I heard a lot of noise in front of my house and thought about what was so noisy. I was taken aback to see that my house was full of people, including the village chief, Zhou Daqiang, Zhou Xiaoqiang, Li Yong and Zhou Daqiang Lao Zhou Weide. They were sitting on a stool, chattering, and Chen Lao was sitting there, looking down and smoking a cigarette and moping. Wen Xiu Wen Yuxi looked at the herbal medicine and couldn’t help laughing when he saw Chen Xiaotian coming back.
Everyone heard Chen Xiaotian’s footsteps, and Chen Xiaotian looked to Zhou Daqiang. As soon as he saw the roar of Chen Xiao, he was about to rush to Chen Xiaotian, and Zhou Weide general Zhou Daqiang stopped.
"Don’t move and sit for me." Zhou Daqiang had to stop and glared bitterly at Chen Xiaotian and reluctantly returned to sit on the previous bench.
Chen Xiaotian asked "What’s the situation" when he saw such a person.
"Hey hey" text Yuxi couldn’t help laughing.
Zhou Daqiang shouted angrily, "You kicked my balls to your mother and I killed you." Zhou Daqiang roared and jumped up again. Zhou Weide quickly shouted "Don’t move."
Chen Xiaotian was shocked. He looked at Zhou Daqiang’s crotch for a long time and laughed.
"Are you still laughing?" Zhou Daqiang, Zhou Xiaoqiang and Zhou Weide were livid with anger.
"Come here" Chen Lao finally outbursts "Kneel"
Chen Xiao, as a heavy throw basket calm face way "I’m not dead parents why want me to kneel"
Age also turned blue with anger. Pointing at Chen Xiaotian, the chimney cried, "You can’t come and kneel."
Chen Xiaotian said, "If you want to kneel, you should also look at what it is. Why do you want me to kneel?"
At this moment, the village chief asked, "God, why did you kick Daqiang’s egg? Do you know it or not? How can you get a daughter-in-law even if you get a daughter-in-law?"
"Hey hey" Chen Xiao Astronomy Yuxi couldn’t help laughing.
I’m afraid these two wonderful flowers can laugh at this situation.
"Are you still laughing?" Chen Laotou got up and raised his chimney and called Chen Xiaotian. Chen Xiaotian was busy turning around the field and called "Don’t care about hitting me, you must first verify whether his eggs are broken."
Chen Lao-tou chased Chen Xiaotian for several times, but he was panting. The village chief then said, "Well, Mr. Chen, don’t make it clear before dawn."
Age didn’t stop until now, pointing to Chen Xiaotian and saying, "Come and clarify the situation."
Chen Xiaotian stretched out his hand and scratched his hair and frowned and said, "Where does this start?"
Chen Daqiang couldn’t help shouting at this moment, "You bastard hurt my brother’s foot and now you kick my balls. You don’t know where to start. I’m telling you, I won’t stop today if you don’t hand over your balls to kick my feet."
Chen Xiaotian a listen to intellectual irate tunnel "you have that come and try it"
Zhou Daqiang jumped to his feet, but he heard Zhou Weide shout "Don’t move". Zhou Daqiang had to sit in Zhou Weide again and said, "Xiao Tian Xiaoqiang and the big physical injury are all caused by you. Do you know it?"
"I know my mistake." Chen Xiaotian stretched out his hand and combed his hair, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Let’s talk about Xiaoqiang first. You asked Xiaoqiang what was going on at that time."
Everyone looked at Xiaoqiang dazed and faltered, saying, "At that time, I couldn’t lift the pole and I was hungry. I said I would go back to eat first, and then I would not let Xiao Tian go. Then I fell down and hurt my leg."
"Why not?" Chen Xiaotian flew into a rage and pointed to Zhou Buqiang. "You’re lying. You’re blushing at all. At that time, I meant that the horse was going to be finished. Let’s finish it first."
"Isn’t that why you didn’t let Xiaoqiang come back?" Zhou Daqiang said quickly. "If you didn’t let him come back, would his leg be hurt? You see Xiaoqiang’s leg is so badly hurt that you have to pay the responsibility."
"Pay you a" Chen Xiaotian annoyed "that I what you fall on my head, if one day I owe my wife can’t have children, you also blame me"
"Damn it," Zhou Daqiang Zhou Xiaoqiang got together. The two brothers are really Qi Xin. Both of them are going to jump here. Zhou Weide didn’t stop this time, but the village chief cried, "Well, don’t start work and make things clear before you start work."
Zhou Daqiang pointed to Chen Xiao and shouted angrily, "I’ll teach this bastard a lesson first or he won’t know his mistake."
"Hum" Chen Xiaotian said coldly, "Why don’t you two brothers join me?"
Chapter 256 Become angry from embarrassment
Section 265 Chapter 256 Become angry from embarrassment
Zhou Daqiang Xiao-qiang zhou heard Chen Xiaotian challenge them like this, and the two brothers were so angry that they rushed to meet Chen Xiaotian without weakness and went to Zhou Daqiang. The two brothers really Qi Xin attacked Chen Xiaotian left and right, and they cooperated very tacitly. Chen Xiaotian first kicked people to Zhou Daqiang in Zhou Daqiang. Although fierce, his hands were shorter than Chen Xiaotian’s feet. After all, Chen Xiaotian kicked his chest and became unstable, and Zhou Xiaoqiang rushed back. Although he usually didn’t talk much, he was very flexible and rushed to Chen Xiaotian’s face. Chen Xiaotian was busy.
"Stop it for me!" Age head, village head Zhou Weide Liu shouted, and three people listened to each other and took two steps back, but still stared at each other.
Just then, I heard a man shout, "Hey, are there so many people at the meeting?"
Chen Xiaotian went to see Tang Gouba and walked over. Chen Xiaotian waved to Tang Gouba and said, "Come on, come on, it’s really a good buddy. You came when you needed you."
Tang Gouba looked inexplicably at the village head and others and then at Zhou Daqiang Zhou Xiaoqiang, whose eyes were red, and asked "What’s the situation?"
Chen Xiaotian said, "Now, let’s make it clear to everyone about this afternoon’s post lifting."
Tang Gouba opened his eyes wide and asked, "What is the matter of lifting the thread column?"
Chen Xiaotian pointed to Zhou Xiaoqiang and said, "He hurt his leg and said I did it."
"No way." Tang Gouba had a problem with Zhou Xiaoqiang when the opportunity for revenge finally came, and he said, "How can this blame Xiao Tian? What was the situation at that time? At that time, we were going to go home in half an hour at the most."
"What half an hour is less than an hour?" Zhou Xiaoqiang shouted.
"Half an hour at most," said Tang Gouba. "Do you believe that it took less than half an hour for the four of us to carry it after you left?"
Zhou Xiaoqiang stopped doing it intellectually.
Tang Gouba went on to say, "At that time, Xiaoqiang said that he wouldn’t lift it and went back for dinner. Xiao Tian said that the horse was going to be lifted and we would go back when it was finished. After all, we all said yes. After all, it was so far to come back. We stayed back for dinner and went back and forth for at least three or four hours, so it would be over in one afternoon. So we would rather fight for that half an hour, so we lifted the pole. We didn’t know that Xiaoqiang would fall down for a while. Xiao Tian said that Xiaoqiang was injured and let’s go back first. So Xiaoqian
"Good, good" Chen Xiaotian interrupted Tang Gouba’s words and hugged his fuels and said "Thank you for the notary certificate". Then he looked at Chen Laotou and village head Zhou Weide and said, "That was the case at that time. Did you say Xiaoqiang fell?"
"Why not?" Zhou Daqiang argued irrationally. "If you hadn’t said that you would go home after lifting it, maybe you would have gone home first. Maybe Xiaoqiang wouldn’t have fallen."
"Maybe you wouldn’t be kicked out by me, wouldn’t you?" Chen Xiaotian looked at Zhou Daqiang and sneered.
"Dog Day" Zhou Daqiang couldn’t help but rush to Tang Weide again and shouted angrily, "Stop it, aren’t you embarrassing yourself?"
Zhou Daqiang snorted and glared at Chen Xiaotian there.
The village chief asked, "What about the fact that you kicked Zhou Daqiang’s balls?"
"This" Chen Xiaotian looked at Wen Yuxi and said, "I am embarrassed to say this."
"Why are you embarrassed?" cried Zhou Xiaoqiang. "You are embarrassed if you do something bad."
"What, you kicked Daqiang’s egg?" Tang Gouba was surprised and looked at Chen Xiaotian with a grain of salt. Chen Xiaotian said, "I haven’t checked yet. I don’t know if it’s broken."
"I’m broken," Zhou Daqiang shouted angrily. "Am I going to talk nonsense about this?"
Chen Xiaotian said, "Not long ago, I also kicked a beast who came to our village to flirt with our village girl. I kicked him hard and kicked him out. He didn’t tell you how you broke."
"How dare you say that?" Chen Laotou shouted angrily. "What can you do besides kicking people?"
Chen Xiaotian shook his head and said, "In fact, I don’t kick people for no reason. Some people kick me if they owe it."
"What did you say?" Zhou Dajiang went on the rampage and was about to rush, but Zhou Xiaoqiang caught him and said to him, "Don’t start work before you start work, and we will lose our minds."
Zhou Daqiang took a look at the side of Zhou Weide village head to fully crush the heart.
The village chief said, "Xiao Tian, you kicked Zhou Daqiang’s eggs and broke them. What the hell is going on? You are quick to say don’t digress."
Chen Xiaotian stretched out his hand and scratched his head. "This is really hard to say. Well, why don’t you ask Yuxi directly?"
Everyone looked at Wen Yuxi in unison. Wen Yuxi froze and said, "Ask me why you want to ask me."
Chen Xiaotian said, "Because you provoked it, don’t ask who you asked."

Ning Yun is picking up a pearl hairpin from Qi Diao’s Yun Bei box and preparing to take it with him. He turns his head to see her surprise and asks, "Go to Chiyou?"

Xiaochu doesn’t change color. She straightened her body and helped her to pull up a snake bun. She said, "We have been laying a witch temple and Qin family on the Human-God line, and it is difficult to cope with it. It has always been said that some helpers are needed. In the past, adults now know that Chu Xuan can do something with the help of Chu family shops.
The Chu family has shops in Yongwangling and other leaders, and it is very important for us to have some dealings with the government.
Did I take the initiative to volunteer to be a proprietress in the past, or was it more wrong than wrong?
Shops and places, especially women’s things or brothels and Chu pavilions, are the most easy places to spy on news. I believe I will do well, whether it’s the boss’s wife or the chief. "
"This how line? !” Ningyun put a hairpin in his hand and was in a hurry.
Wife of shop-owner also calculate, but went to the brothel, although it is based on optional guests, but ji female is ji female Xiaochu, no matter what, the Royal Guards will be reduced to this situation.
At first glance, Xiao looked at her and stretched out her hand and slammed it. Her forehead smiled. "What’s wrong? What are you doing in Yunjing?"
"WeiFuYan don’t need to hostess to attend the party and men’s private meeting?
You, our information is forced by torture?
Men, it’s easiest to drink too much. To tell the truth, what’s the difference between what we do and what the chief does?
It’s old school. At least I volunteered. I’m willing to play for adults.
Earlier, adults said that if they didn’t want to do it, they would arrange a new identity for us and give us some money so that we could spend the rest of our lives safely.
It’s my choice to continue to do things. Adults need more people to trust, and there are only a few I can do for him. "
Xiaochuxiao has a lot of desolation and Nainingyun tidied up her hair and put it on the table hairpin. She carefully took it and looked at it without missing it. She nodded and pulled her up. "Cherish your honor. He really likes you. He has paid a lot."
Without waiting for her reply, Xiaochu stretched out his hand and pushed her out of the door. "Go, your dad is still waiting for you."
She looked back at Xiaochu, who had turned to tidy up.
Silently sighed that this matter can be said in the future. Now, where is she in the mood to talk to Wei Yi about this?
And I don’t know how to help Wei Yi at work. Wei Yi is much more capable than her. Just now, she said that she didn’t want to retire and wanted to continue to help Wei Yi. How can Ning Yun ask Wei Yi?
Wei Yi was afraid that she would misunderstand him. He was not in the same place at Xiaochu, and Snow Cong soon came to him in vain. He volunteered to develop intelligence lines in Chiyou. Wei Yi’s heart was a little more grateful and he would always read her hello.
This is far better than that she has been staying in Yunjing, and then she will become Ningyun’s heart and force Wei Yi to send her.
Xiaochu is a very intelligent woman, and it is easy and tiring to deal with such people.
Before dawn, a girl took her all the way with lanterns. The dew was heavy in the morning, and she felt a little cold and didn’t want to go back to get her cloak.
When NingYun went to his brother’s yard, he saw Wei Yi with his brother.
He didn’t wear a human skin mask.
I haven’t seen Wei Yilai for a long time. Ningyun feels particularly cordial.
Wei Yi also looked at her and smiled. She put her cloak on her hand and held out her hand "Let’s go".
Ningyun also obediently reached out and let him hold him. He walked along with her as before!
Seeing her daughter and a strange man walk into her room hand in hand, Ningzheng frowned but didn’t say anything. Ningchengen nodded to Ningyun to show that he would support her.
Grateful to his uncle, he smiled and Ningyun respectfully said to his father, "Father, this is Wei Yi, the man I chose."
Say that finish, she and Wei Yi smiled at one another and bowed their heads.
WeiYiSong her hand in the previous step to NingZheng respectful hands fuels bowed their heads and salute "seen NingShuai!
Now he is Wei Yi, nephew of Xiao Huanghou, a big country’s younger brother
This uninvited is to take the initiative to volunteer Ning Shuai to escort Jin Shengguo to Yunjing and hand it over to the Grand Master. "
What he said was short and to the point, and all that should be said was said.
Ning Zheng looked at him, although he had seen him several times, but it was the first time to meet him formally. It was no wonder that his daughter liked him.
If he hadn’t been bent on his daughter Ning Zheng, he wouldn’t have agreed to this marriage, but now he is also touched. Wei Yi can’t interfere more with Ning Yun and Ning Jia’s efforts.
Gently tap your finger on the table in front of you. Looking back at Wei Yi, I said, "Wei Tongzhi doesn’t have to be like this. Although I am taboo, I am biased against you. You should know that we will be psychologically aware."
We all see what you do in the cloud, and we won’t misunderstand you. You need to worry about it.
Your presence in my room today has proved my family’s attitude. "

"Flying is not good, is it?" Qin Baichuan had some objections when he was questioned by the masked man. He really said that cloud flying’s behavior was not too much.

"Master, she’s my princess. Why don’t I go and see my fiancee?" Cloud flying light smile.
Yeah! No one has stopped you, but this line of hiding the skull and face is really not the work of a noble and decent middleman. Qin Baichuan shook his head but no longer spoke out against that girl’s usual deputy’s efforts. I think it’s also a deep plan. If I didn’t do this, I wouldn’t even be able to find anything real.
I hope I won’t meet that masked man again. cloud flying secretly prayed for superb flying skills, plus the means of being surprised by ghosts and gods, but he suffered enough.
It’s good to get through this meridian! Cloud flying sighed with emotion, as if she were a water-cutter and blinked, and came to Xiangfu’s door. Those ordinary guards couldn’t stop him. If he stirred Ye Lingfeng, he would have delayed his business. Thought of this, she would still do the same thing again.
No sooner had his feet landed than the candle lit up in the west wing.
Hehe, Cong was mistaken by Cong. It’s not a day and a half for those girls to wait for him. Today, they must be in a hurry to show off.
A few hidden weapons put out the candlelight and there was no noise in the room after a light smoke.
Nishang went to bed early. It seems that sleeping during the day didn’t affect her. It was cloud flying who shocked her when she broke the window.
The silver mask glows softly in the moonlight, and the dress doesn’t even want to move when you look at it with your eyes open.
Cloud flying is in a dilemma. This girl treats him like nothing.
"What on earth are you going to do?" Nishang is a little impatient. This person has been losing his identity to his friends. How many times can he pester her desire?
"Come out and I have something to tell you." He lowered his voice.
If you have something to say, it’s on your lips. Think it’s not elegant enough or swallow it.
"What’s the matter?" Cloud flying asked curiously, it’s not her character to speak in the middle!
"Before" laughed at a dress, or the ancients were good at speaking beautiful words, which was very well done.
{Cool craftsman Q net is the first f☆ hair.
"If there’s anything you can say, I’m still sleepy when you’re done." The dress made no secret of yawning.
"It’s not convenient here," cloud flying said. After a while, the girls woke up and he couldn’t get away.
"Just a few words! It won’t be long before you come here for the first time, "said the dress.
"You never come with you or not" cloud flying threw a straight look at the dress reaction.
The dress jumped up and looked at her dress. The horse wrapped itself in the quilt and showed a head.
"You turn around first." She fumbled for her clothes.
"All right," cloud flying turned slowly.
Three sets of two sets of clothes, cloud flying has a very beautiful posture and flew out
Hey, hey, what should I do? Nishang hasn’t tried any flying skills. To tell the truth, she is a little afraid of heights. Will her legs stop shaking on the courtyard wall?
Cloud flying has gone with the wind out, waiting left and right, but finally she is short of breath and has come back the same way.
"Why don’t you go out?" Look at her silly there, he asked, suppressing his anger
"I am a bodyguard at that door!" Nishang naturally replied
"Can’t you fly?" Master cloud flying was surprised. Did this girl learn some rough fists and stupid legs?
"Hehe, I’m afraid of heights." The dress smiled awkwardly.
What? Cloud flying, a black line, is it because they are blind? This girl has no peerless martial arts, but she just learned some fur with Ye Lingfeng.
Cloud flying jumped out of the high wall as soon as she pulled her arm.
Oh, this is flying skill, right? Nishang suddenly found that it was like a bird, and life was good. It turned out that the original owner of this body did not have the problems of her previous life, and a pair of big eyes looked excited.
After a meal, two people were in the silent street.
This seems to be not difficult to learn! Nishang thinks she can do it, too. Is there such a thing in the original owner? It seems that there is nothing in this world that she can’t think of.
Chapter 165 Losing face
It’s a little weird that two people are in the silent street at midnight.
"I know exactly what you want to say?" Dress eyebrows asked a little less clothes, and the breeze blew slowly at night, and she didn’t hold herself tight.
Looking at her face, she was still sleepy, and her temples were fluffy. She shook her hand and her blouse fell on her shoulder.
Is this a long talk all night? Dress face suddenly collapsed.
This girl not only doesn’t thank him, but also looks unwilling! Do you dislike him? Clothes are expensive, okay? After the mask, her face collapsed at the same time. "Ye Nishang will return her clothes to Zun if she dislikes it." How can she give up just with a little warmth? "What did I say?" If you regret it, miss won’t give it back to you.
"What’s your face?" Yang Qing qi fen said
"Oh, you brought a gown. Are you going to stay up tonight?" Dress pain said that sleeping in the sky is the biggest disturbing dream, and it is not a good person!
"Ahem" cloud flying almost choked on his own saliva. When did this woman understand his mind?

Ask Lou Qin’s words

Louqin hasn’t figured out what’s going on yet.
A man’s eyes are so strange that she has never seen such Gu Jinze.
For a man, surrounded by strangers, he got up and looked at his eyes.
It’s impressive to kiss one of your own for no reason.
And he’s a … He can accept kissing women.
It feels better to be near him than Xuan and so on.
The man is a few steps away from Louqin.
In the health room, Xuan and others raised their arms and looked at their watches. "Are you ready? Ten minutes have passed!"
She is now in the men’s hygiene department, and all the other hygiene people are scared away by her.
Kan Kan pretended to be weak in the door. "Miss, just wait a little longer. We will be soon."
Xuan and so on kicked the Kan Kan door outside "you big ye! Hurry and pull. "
Kan Kan sat on the toilet seat. "Miss, don’t scare me. It’s not worth the loss to scare me back."
Xuan and so on were immediately swearing. The other bodyguards were really dehydrated. As soon as they got up, the feeling came back.
Kan Kan is still texting Lou Qin in the toilet while flattering the outside Xuan and so on. "We are really lucky to have a young lady to serve you. Not all big ladies are as good as you."
Bah! Who’s the big lady who is so stupid? She really needs to take medicine.
It’s against nature that her family dared to let her go out alone.
It’s good to return the mafia lady to death.
Xuan and so on drum gills outside to help people inside to discuss "you take me to go back first"
Her baby is waiting for her outside alone. It’s not safe!
Kan Kan immediately flushed the toilet inside. "No, Miss Er, I’m just a horse. You can’t leave our sight. Accidents often happen at this glance!"
Xuan and others were annoyed by his saying, "Then hurry up!"
Kan Kan took out a big glass bottle with a fingernail from her pocket and held her breath to pour the liquid in the glass bottle out of her clothes.
Lou Qin, a street lamp along the road, chased a man and held his hand.
She doesn’t know what happened to him, but she doesn’t want to see him disappear from her eyes again.
There were too many cars around when they came. Wait, their car was parked here.
The man looked at Louqin Louqin and looked up at him. His smile was wrapped in water.
Section 211
He’s in a dangerous situation now. She can’t show up with him in a conspicuous place aboveboard. Lou Qin dragged him to a deserted place.
Tang and Qiu Huan didn’t find a ghost when they chased them out.
"What the hell? Couple fun! "
Qiu Huan asked Tang Tang to shrug his shoulders.
The less people know about this kind of thing, the better.
Depending on Qiu Huan’s personality, what moth can you toss out?
Tang returned to the hotel with Qiu Huan.
Health Kan Kan just to xuan and so on a few steps behind xuan and so on just fainted in the past …
There is no light in the tree, and Lou Qin’s heart is surging and he is staring at the person in front of him.
She misses people so much.
The man smiled bitterly. "Didn’t your family ever teach you not to look at men like that?"
Lou Qin suddenly felt strange in the photo, not because she was under the illusion of "no" because she wouldn’t look at others like this.
Men laugh. "Don’t look at men like that in the future. It’s dangerous."
Reach out and push Louqin.
Lou Qin was in a hurry. "Shall I take you home?"
She promised Lou Jingyi’s father that she would go home in a few days.
The man stared at Lou Qin. "Do you know where my home is?"
Lou Qin nodded "I know" and there was a nasal sound in the words, brimming with excitement.
The man paused. "Do you know who I am?"
Lou Qin just wanted to talk when the man opened his mouth. "If you are right, I will believe that you are wrong and you will leave."
Lou Qin looked down at the ground. "I don’t know who you are now, but you have always been my relative."
The man looked at Lou Qin with a strange heart, but he didn’t admit that he was tearing his mouth to say goodbye to Lou Qin. "It’s late."
Louqin watched him disappear from sight, and there was no shadow. Several sounds were telling her to go after him, go after him and get him back, but … Louqin clearly knew that he couldn’t rush back to the hotel at the moment.
Qiu Huan is waiting in the room to give her the phone. "Kan Kan sent you a text message."
Louqin read the newsletter and learned about Gu Jinze’s current situation.
He is now in Mincheng like her and is controlled by Miss Mafia II.
Kan Kan even told Lou Qin about the painting.
Lou Qin edited the reply message for Kan Kan, but it was deleted just when the main points were sent.
Kan Kan can’t talk to the outside world at will now. She waited for Kan Kan to take the initiative. Otherwise, she would kill Kan Kan.
When I met Gu Jin, I knew his recent situation, and Louqin hung a lot of hearts.
Louqin returned to Mincheng the next day.
Work will continue to Gu Jin, and she will try to get close to it.